The following courses were developed in the framework of the Council of Europe HELP  (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) Programme ( The selected tools we present here, cover various subjects related to Human Rights, refugees, and migrant integration and discrimination. 



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Introduction to the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights 

This course is aimed at providing the necessary basis related to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). It offers a possibility to be acquainted both with the text of the ECHR itself and with the methodology and the procedure followed by the ECtHR in interpreting it.

Course outline

Module 1: Introduction to the ECHR

Module 2: Introduction to the ECtHR

Module 3: Execution of the Judgments of the ECtHR


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Asylum and the European Convention on Human Rights

This course covers the key provisions and the related case law of the European Court of Human Rights which are particularly relevant for asylum-seekers and refugees.

Course outline

Module 1: The prohibition of ill-treatment (Article 3) and Asylum

Module 2: The right to liberty and security (Article 5) and freedom of movement (Article 2/Protocol.4) of Asylum-seekers

Module 3: The right to family life (Article 8) and Asylum

Module 4: The right to an effective remedy (Article 13) and Asylum

Module 5: Article 2, Protocol 4 – Freedom of movement


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Refugee and Migrant Children

Children on the move, especially in an irregular way, remain one of the most vulnerable groups in Europe today. Regardless of their status and the fact that they are accompanied or not, they may suffer persistent violations of their rights. The course explains how critical issues are addressed in the international and European legal framework and provides the relevant case-law of the ECtHR.

Course outline

Module 1: Introduction to the legal framework

Module 2: – Child-friendly procedures

Module 3: Alternatives to detention

Module 4: Family reunification

Module 5: Social rights and integration 

Module 6: Guardianship

Module 7: Age assessment


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Fight Against Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia and Transphobia 

It covers the key concepts, the European (CoE and EU) non-discrimination law and the impressive body of case law of the ECtHR and of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), in addition to decisions of the European Committee of Social Rights. More specifically, the course has two substantive modules, one on racism and xenophobia, and the other one on homophobia and transphobia. A link to a specific module on Roma, the largest minority in the EU is also provided. One of the key reference materials to develop this course has been the Handbook on European non-discrimination law developed jointly by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency and the European Court of Human Rights.

Course outline

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Legal Framework

Module 3: Racism and Xenophobia

Module 4: Homophobia and Transphobia


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Introduction to Anti-discrimination Issues

The aim of the course is to provide a detailed, yet easily accessible, educational resource to promote understanding among national judges, prosecutors and lawyers in respect of the significant amount of relevant ECtHR case law.

Course outline

Module 1: Discrimination and the ECHR – Art. 14

Module 2: Discrimination Against Roma

Module 3: Discrimination Against the Soci Community

Module 4: Discrimination Against Disabled Community

Module 5: Discrimination Against Minority Communities on Grounds of Race, Religion, Ethnicity


The following toolkit was developed by two human rights lawyers, in close collaboration with a serving police officer and with the support of the Roma and Travellers Team of the Council of Europe.



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Toolkit for Police Officers
Council of Europe Standards on racially motivated crimes and non-discrimination with focus on Roma and Travellers

The toolkit focuses on Council of Europe standards on racially motivated crimes and non-discrimination of Roma and Travellers. It aims to support police officers to better understand, investigate and prosecute human rights violations.